Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD


siqguru Apxw syiv sB Pl pwieAw ] (517-1)
satgur apnaa sayv sabh fal paa-i-aa.
Serving my True Guru, I have obtained all the fruits.

AMimRq hir kw nwau sdw iDAwieAw ] (517-1)
amrit har kaa naa-o sadaa Dhi-aa-i-aa.
I meditate continually on the Ambrosial Name of the Lord.

sMq jnw kY sMig duKu imtwieAw ] (517-2)
sant janaa kai sang dukh mitaa-i-aa.
In the Society of the Saints, I am rid of my pain and suffering.

nwnk Bey AicMqu hir Dnu inhclwieAw ]20] (517-2)
naanak bha-ay achint har Dhan nihchalaa-i-aa. ||20||
O Nanak, I have become care-free; I have obtained the imperishable wealth of the Lord. ||20||

slok mÚ 3 ] (517-3)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

Kyiq imAwlw aucIAw Gru aucw inrxau ] (517-3)
khayt mi-aalaa uchee-aa ghar uchaa nirna-o.
Raising the embankments of the mind's field, I gaze at the heavenly mansion.

mhl BgqI Gir srY sjx pwhuixAau ] (517-3)
mahal bhagtee ghar sarai sajan paahuni-a-o.
When devotion comes to the mind of the soul-bride, she is visited by the friendly guest.

brsnw q brsu Gnw bhuiV brsih kwih ] (517-4)
barsanaa ta baras ghanaa bahurh barseh kaahi.
O clouds, if you are going to rain, then go ahead and rain; why rain after the season has passed?

nwnk iqn@ bilhwrxY ijn@ gurmuiK pwieAw mn mwih ]1] (517-4)
naanak tinH balihaarnai jinH gurmukh paa-i-aa man maahi. ||1||
Nanak is a sacrifice to those Gurmukhs who obtain the Lord in their minds. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (517-5)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

imTw so jo Bwvdw sjxu so ij rwis ] (517-5)
mithaa so jo bhaavdaa sajan so je raas.
That which is pleasing is sweet, and one who is sincere is a friend.

nwnk gurmuiK jwxIAY jw kau Awip kry prgwsu ]2] (517-5)
naanak gurmukh jaanee-ai jaa ka-o aap karay pargaas. ||2||
O Nanak, he is known as a Gurmukh, whom the Lord Himself enlightens. ||2||

pauVI ] (517-6)

pRB pwis jn kI Ardwis qU scw sWeI ] (517-6)
parabh paas jan kee ardaas too sachaa saaN-ee.
O God, Your humble servant offers his prayer to You; You are my True Master.

qU rKvwlw sdw sdw hau quDu iDAweI ] (517-6)
too rakhvaalaa sadaa sadaa ha-o tuDh Dhi-aa-ee.
You are my Protector, forever and ever; I meditate on You.

jIA jMq siB qyirAw qU rihAw smweI ] (517-7)
jee-a jant sabh tayri-aa too rahi-aa samaa-ee.
All the beings and creatures are Yours; You are pervading and permeating in them.

jo dws qyry kI inMdw kry iqsu mwir pcweI ] (517-7)
jo daas tayray kee nindaa karay tis maar pachaa-ee.
One who slanders Your slave is crushed and destroyed.

icMqw Cif AicMqu rhu nwnk lig pweI ]21] (517-8)
chintaa chhad achint rahu naanak lag paa-ee. ||21||
Falling at Your Feet, Nanak has renounced his cares, and has become care-free. ||21||

slok mÚ 3 ] (517-8)
salok mehlaa 3.
Shalok, Third Mehl:

Awsw krqw jgu muAw Awsw mrY n jwie ] (517-8)
aasaa kartaa jag mu-aa aasaa marai na jaa-ay.
Building up its hopes, the world dies, but its hopes do not die or depart.

nwnk Awsw pUrIAw scy isau icqu lwie ]1] (517-9)
naanak aasaa pooree-aa sachay si-o chit laa-ay. ||1||
O Nanak, hopes are fulfilled only by attaching one's consciousness to the True Lord. ||1||

mÚ 3 ] (517-9)
mehlaa 3.
Third Mehl:

Awsw mnsw mir jwiesI ijin kIqI so lY jwie ] (517-9)
aasaa mansaa mar jaa-isee jin keetee so lai jaa-ay.
Hopes and desires shall die only when He, who created them, takes them away.

nwnk inhclu ko nhI bwJhu hir kY nwie ]2] (517-10)
naanak nihchal ko nahee baajhahu har kai naa-ay. ||2||
O Nanak, nothing is permanent, except the Name of the Lord. ||2||

pauVI ] (517-10)

Awpy jgqu aupwieEnu kir pUrw Qwtu ] (517-10)
aapay jagat upaa-i-on kar pooraa thaat.
He Himself created the world, with His perfect workmanship.

Awpy swhu Awpy vxjwrw Awpy hI hir hwtu ] (517-11)
aapay saahu aapay vanjaaraa aapay hee har haat.
He Himself is the true banker, He Himself is the merchant, and He Himself is the store.

Awpy swgru Awpy boihQw Awpy hI Kyvwtu ] (517-11)
aapay saagar aapay bohithaa aapay hee khayvaat.
He Himself is the ocean, He Himself is the boat, and He Himself is the boatman.

Awpy guru cylw hY Awpy Awpy dsy Gwtu ] (517-12)
aapay gur chaylaa hai aapay aapay dasay ghaat.
He Himself is the Guru, He Himself is the disciple, and He Himself shows the destination.

jn nwnk nwmu iDAwie qU siB iklivK kwtu ]22]1] suDu (517-12)
jan naanak naam Dhi-aa-ay too sabh kilvikh kaat. ||22||1|| suDhu
O servant Nanak, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and all your sins shall be eradicated. ||22||1||Sudh||

rwgu gUjrI vwr mhlw 5 (517-14)
raag goojree vaar mehlaa 5
Raag Goojaree, Vaar, Fifth Mehl:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (517-14)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sloku mÚ 5 ] (517-15)
salok mehlaa 5.
Shalok, Fifth Mehl:

AMqir guru AwrwDxw ijhvw jip gur nwau ] (517-15)
antar gur aaraaDh-naa jihvaa jap gur naa-o.
Deep within yourself, worship the Guru in adoration, and with your tongue, chant the Guru's Name.

nyqRI siqguru pyKxw sRvxI sunxw gur nwau ] (517-15)
naytree satgur paykh-naa sarvanee sunnaa gur naa-o.
Let your eyes behold the True Guru, and let your ears hear the Guru's Name.

siqgur syqI riqAw drgh pweIAY Twau ] (517-16)
satgur saytee rati-aa dargeh paa-ee-ai thaa-o.
Attuned to the True Guru, you shall receive a place of honor in the Court of the Lord.

khu nwnk ikrpw kry ijs no eyh vQu dyie ] (517-16)
kaho naanak kirpaa karay jis no ayh vath day-ay.
Says Nanak, this treasure is bestowed on those who are blessed with His Mercy.

jg mih auqm kwFIAih ivrly kyeI kyie ]1] (517-17)
jag meh utam kaadhee-ah virlay kay-ee kay-ay. ||1||
In the midst of the world, they are known as the most pious - they are rare indeed. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (517-17)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

rKy rKxhwir Awip aubwirAnu ] (517-17)
rakhay rakhanhaar aap ubaari-an.
O Savior Lord, save us and take us across.

gur kI pYrI pwie kwj svwirAnu ] (517-17)
gur kee pairee paa-ay kaaj savaari-an.
Falling at the feet of the Guru, our works are embellished with perfection.

hoAw Awip dieAwlu mnhu n ivswirAnu ] (517-18)
ho-aa aap da-i-aal manhu na visaari-an.
You have become kind, merciful and compassionate; we do not forget You from our minds.

swD jnw kY sMig Bvjlu qwirAnu ] (517-18)
saaDh janaa kai sang bhavjal taari-an.
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, we are carried across the terrifying world-ocean.

swkq inMdk dust iKn mwih ibdwirAnu ] (517-19)
saakat nindak dusat khin maahi bidaari-an.
In an instant, You have destroyed the faithless cynics and slanderous enemies.

iqsu swihb kI tyk nwnk mnY mwih ] (517-19)
tis saahib kee tayk naanak manai maahi.
That Lord and Master is my Anchor and Support; O Nanak, hold firm in your mind.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD